- Este gratuit pentru orice utilizator, nu există nicio cerință de înregistrare – trebuie doar să faceți clic pe linkul de la orice computer care utilizează Internet de la orice adresă IP din țara dvs. și deschide versiunea engleză EBMG.
- Accesul funcționează din toate IP-urile din țara dvs., ceea ce sunt înregistrate ca IP în Bulgaria. (Poate fi cablat, wireless, mobil etc. IP – trebuie doar să fie înregistrat IP în țara dvs.)
- Baza de date internațională IP este actualizată regulat, dar se poate întâmpla ca unele IP-uri să lipsească din baza de date sau să fie afișate incorect în ea. Acesta este un caz foarte rar, dar poate provoca probleme de acces utilizatorilor.
- Vă rugăm să furnizați un canal (e-mail sau pagină de destinație) pentru utilizatorii dvs. pentru a vă informa dacă au o problemă de acces sau au nevoie de vreun alt ajutor sau au întrebări.
- Dacă apar probleme legate de acces, vă rugăm să trimiteți adresa IP unde nu a funcționat accesul și o vom adăuga.
- Vă stăm la dispoziție pentru a rezolva orice întrebări, probleme, reglarea fină a accesului etc.
- De obicei, vă sugerez să salvați linkul ca marcaj în browsere sau să plasați / copiați direct pe ecranul principal al Android al smartphone-urilor / tabletelor iOS. Acesta ajută un mare ajutor în accesul rapid la conținut.
- Please communicate the matter freely to Your physicians :
- Duodecim EBMG is free to access from all computers,smartphones, tablets in Your country by 31.May, 2020 ( with option to extend it)
- Our aim is with the access to help in coping efforts with the present extraordinary health emergencies everywhere..
- Duodecim EBMG helps to save time with using quality medical informations, making better decisions in less time -.
- Duodecim EBMG is NOT a COVID-19 specific database, but a quality action oriented MEDICAL data depository.
- The general link to read more information about Duodecim is :
- I have attached 3 slides with a summary of Duodecim EBMG – one in PDF( for public purposes ) , another one is in PPT for Your editing/translation purposes if You wish to do so.
- The access link above can be placed/make available only for Your member physicians or public – it is up to Your decision what You think is optimal and allowed in Your country.
- Also, the link might be shared with Your medical community, universities, hospitals, ambulances, libraries etc. – as You see it might be the best contributor to physicians work.
Duodecim EBMG
- The Finnish Medical Society Duodecim is Finland’s largest scientific association. It exists to develop the professional skills and clinical practice of doctors through continuing education, publications and research grants. Established in 1881, Duodecim’s membership today comprises more than 20,000 doctors and medical students.
- Duodecim Medical Publications Ltd publishes information content for medical and healthcare professionals in the form of traditional printed products but also as electronic databases, solutions integrated into healthcare systems and an online learning environment. The publicly accessible service as well as applications to support self-care are aimed for general public interested in medicine.
- Evidence-Based Medicine Guidelines (EBMG) is an easy-to-use collection of clinical guidelines for primary and ambulatory care linked to the best available evidence. Continuously updated, EBMG follows the latest developments in clinical medicine and brings evidence into practice. ( )
- EBMG is published online in English, Finnish, Flemish, French, German ,Estonian,Russian and Turkish and might be localised in cooperation with local stakeholders.
- The process used by Duodecim Medical Publications Ltd to produce EBM Guidelines and Evidence Summaries has been accredited by NHS Evidence
- Duodecim EBMG is a widely used medical tool by clinicians, physicians, medical students in many countries .
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